Here's how Regularity Sport is changing

New regulations published, at least two average trials and a maximum speed of 70 km/h

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Important news for the 2023 season: regularity sport is changing its skin and will also see competitors taking part in average tests, which will have to be 30% of the total (number of tests and not length in metres).

What was an option until last season will become an obligation from this year.


Timing will have to be secret and carried out to the tenth, so it cannot be manual with a hidden timekeeper or even with the aid of photocells. It will be indispensable to use automatic systems with balises installed in the car.

The 'average' part of the regularity sports events will be organised in accordance with the regulations laid down for the conduct of PMs as set out in the RDS Regularity Averaging.


The method of checking the behaviour of competitors will also change. It will no longer be left to the 'sensitivity' of the race director but through an objective system.

Also in this case, each competing car will be equipped with an apparatus capable of instantly detecting the speed of the PCT and PM. Every time the car goes over the 70km/h limit an offence will be triggered:


1st infringement penalty of 500 points, 2nd infringement penalty 1000 points, 3rd infringement exclusion from the ranking, over 3rd exclusion from the ranking and fine of € 1,000.00.


Both the penalties, the exclusion and the possible fine will not be instantaneous but will be imposed at the end of the race, by means of a document that will be drawn up, for each stage run, on the basis of the data recorded by the GPS control system, containing an indication for each competitor, of the number of "exceeding the 70 km/h limit".